Eat delicious, but fear a diabetic? Are you also have been hit by diabetes so tormented by the rule of strict low-calorie menu? Very fair, a lot of people are scared, because diabetes is a disease that can not be cured. Do not worry, we have a special menu to prevent and control them.
Especially those that enjoy cooking meat, like steak, grilled chicken, and satay. Below we give examples roast chicken recipe salad healthy seasoning for people with diabetes mellitus.
Material: - ½ chicken, discard skin, cut into four parts, - 2 tablespoons corn oil, and - Dilute 750 ml coconut milk from ½ coconut.
Spices that are: - 5 red onions,
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- 3 cloves garlic, - 3 grain walnut, - 2 tablespoons minced red pepper, - ½ cm turmeric, - ¼ tsp brown sugar, and - 1 teaspoon salt.
Other spices: - 1 cm ginger, crushed, - 1 bay leaves, - 5 cm lemon grass, crushed, and - ½ tsp java acid, dissolved in hot water and strain.
How to Make 1. Saute the spice paste until fragrant. Add, and lemongrass. Saute until cooked. 2. Add chicken and java acidic water, leave until the chicken changes color. 3. Pour the thin coconut milk, cook until half-cooked chicken. 4th. After three-quarters cooked chicken, reduce the flame. Cook until the milk thickens, remove from heat. 5. Grill chicken over coals or in oven while covered with seasoning sauce until chicken is cooked. Lift and serve.
Nutritional value of grilled chicken was not normally exceed the required composition. Namely, the energy: 251.7 kcal, protein: 10.1 g, fat: 22.5 grams, and carbohydrates: 4.7 grams.